Breaking the Silence (non-governmental organization)

Breaking The Silence (BtS) (Hebrew: שוברים שתיקהShovrim Shtika) is an Israeli Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers and veterans who collect and provide testimonies about their military service in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem during the Second Intifada, giving serving and discharged Israeli personnel and reservists a platform to confidentially describe their experience in the Israeli-occupied territories.

The organization's stated mission is to 'break the silence' of IDF soldiers who return to civilian life in Israel and "discover the gap between the reality which they encountered in the [occupied] territories, and the silence which they encounter at home." Since 2004, Breaking the Silence has run a testimonies collection project called "Soldiers Speak Out" They have collected several hundred testimonies from "those who have, during their service in the IDF, the Border Guard, and the Security Forces, played a role in the Occupied Territories." By publishing soldiers' accounts, Breaking the Silence hopes to "force Israeli society to address the reality which it created" and face the truth about "abuse towards Palestinians, looting, and destruction of property" that is familiar to soldiers.[1]



In 2004, Avichai Sharon, Yehuda Shaul and Noam Chayut exhibited a series of photographs and written accounts from IDF soldiers who had served in the city of Hebron. The three were motivated by a desire for Israel to "confront the truth about its policies". The exhibition was attended by thousands and the organization has since become a vehicle for serving and ex-service personnel of the IDF to record their testimonies, attracting hundred of members.[2]

Shaul, who served with the IDF Nachal unit’s 50th battalion in Hebron by completing two tours of duty, is the executive director of BtS.[3] Mikhael Manekin is director of BtS. The organisation's main aim is "to break the silence and taboo surrounding the behaviour of Israeli soldiers in the Palestinian territories"

The organization had a hostile response from Israeli establishment since 2004.[4] Government pressure particularly increased after the group disclosed confessions from soldiers who took part in the Gaza bombing in 2009-09.[4]

In May 2011, 24 former soldiers of the IDF provided testimonies describing the "neighbor procedure".[4] The neighbor procedure uses Palestinian civilians as human shields to protect soldiers from suspected booby traps or attacks by militants.[4] Some of the testimonies described the daily harassment at military checkpoints and deliberate ransacking of homes.[4]


Breaking the Silence is funded through various grants it receives from Israeli and international donor community. In 2007, Breaking the Silence received a total of NIS 500,000, and in 2008 it was able to raise NIS 1.5 million,[5] around €275,000. This included funding from the New Israel Fund amounting to NIS 229,949[5] and funding from international governments.[6] In 2008, according to the NGO's presentation to the Jerusalem Post, the British Embassy in Tel Aviv gave the organization NIS 226,589 (c €40,000); the Dutch Embassy donated €19,999; and the European Union gave €43,514.[5] In addition, during 2008, Spain is reported to have provided tens of thousands of euros to fund patrols run by Breaking the Silence in Hebron.[7] The Women Soldiers’ Testimonies report published as part of the NGO's in January 2010 was funded by The Moriah Foundation, The New Israel Fund, ICCO, SIVMO, Oxfam GB, The British Embassy in Tel Aviv, the EU, and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation.[8]

"Breaking the Silence" representatives who tour to campuses and US Jewish communities, criticizing the IDF policy in the West Bank are sponsored by Jewish and Palestinian organizations.[9]

Methods used

Since 2004, Breaking the Silence has run a testimonies collection project called “Soldiers Speak Out” They have collected several hundred testimonies from "those who have, during their service in the IDF, the Border Guard, and the Security Forces, played a role in the Occupied Territories."[8]

Anonymous soldier testimony

Breaking the Silence's most controversial method is anonymous soldier testimony. The Israeli military has claimed that anonymity of some of the testimonies used by Breaking the Silence has led to failures in the investigation of reported incidents.[10][11] Breaking the Silence maintains that the anonymity is necessary because of alleged orders by IDF against speaking out publicly.[6] The organization has however stated that personal details of soldiers can be provided to official and independent investigations, if the identities of soldiers are not made public.[12]

In June 2004 Breaking the Silence produced a photo exhibition at Yad Eliahu Institute in Tel Aviv detailing some of the alleged abuses of Palestinians in Hebron .[10][13][14] It also released a report on the West Bank city of Hevron state of affairs including 39 eyewitness accounts and testimonies of Israeli soldiers.[15]

In addition to publishing written and videotaped reports on its website, members of the group have carried out speaking tours throughout Israel, Western Europe and the United States.[16][17][18] Some of the incidents reported by members of the movement have stirred public debates in Israel with respect to the implications of its ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories.[19][20][21]

Hebron tours

BtS is conducting tours to Hebron for the Israeli public.[22] The tours are limited because of alleged settlers attacks.[23] In June 2008, police District Commander Avshalom Peled said that BtS provokes settlers in hope of producing a violent response, and that the organization's behavior is "severe and dangerous". Police further claimed that BtS had held an illegal rally during a Hebron tour on 25 April.[24]

Gaza conflict

A post operation discussion on the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict at the Yitzak Rabin pre-military course at Oranim Academic College at Kiryat Tiv'on caused an international furor.[25] The Palestinian accusations of indiscriminate and disproportionate fire-power being used in civilian areas during the ground assault, that the Israeli government had dismissed as "Palestinian propaganda", had apparently been backed by IDF testimonies at post operation discussions.[26] The IDF conducted an investigation[27] and the Military Advocate General announced that the soldiers testimonies regarding civilians being shot were based on hearsay and no corroborating evidence was found.[28][29]

Breaking the Silence confirmed it had also taken testimony, from soldiers who took part in the Gaza assault, of a similar nature to the allegations made by soldiers at the conference of graduates of the Yitzak Rabin pre-military course.[30] On 15 July 2009 'Breaking the Silence' published a new booklet "Soldiers' Testimonies from Operation Cast Lead, Gaza 2009". According to Breaking the Silence the booklet compiles the testimonies of about 30 reserve and regular combat soldiers from various units that participated in the fighting. 54 testimonies/stories reveal the use of "firing of phosphorus gas in the direction of populated areas, the killing of innocent victims [using] small arms, destruction of hundreds of houses and mosques for no military purpose."[31] Testimonies also claimed that a tactic called 'Neighbor Procedure' was used, in which civilians, referred to as 'the Johnnie' were used as human shields and forced to enter buildings ahead of soldiers.[31][32] The soldiers testimonies also included what The Times described as "the role of military rabbis in distributing booklets that framed the fighting as a religious war."[30]

Many of the soldiers allege they were given orders by their commanders to prevent harm to Israeli soldiers by any means necessary. They stated that brigade, battalion, and company commanders gave morale-building conversations before combat that led to "zero patience for the life of enemy civilians".[6] According to the authors, the testimonies expose significant gaps between the official stances of the Israeli military and events on the ground.[31]

The Israeli military dismissed the July 2009 report, saying that it was "investigating many of the requests from NGOs and other groups... But when you have a report that is based on hearsay, with no facts whatsoever, we can't do anything with it." It said that in the past some allegations had turned out to be second or third-hand accounts, rather than the witnesses' own experience.[6]

Breaking the Silence argues that it verifies all of its information by cross-referencing the testimonies it collects. The material that is eventually published has been confirmed by a number of testimonies, from several different points of view. Breaking the Silence also made it clear that the personal details of the soldiers quoted in the collection, and the exact location of the incidents described in the testimonies, would readily be made available to any official and independent investigation of the events, as long as the identity of the testifiers did not become public.[12]

According to Arutz Sheva, in July 2009, an op-ed written by Abdallah al-Hadlaq appeared in the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Watan criticizing the allegations in the report as 'unfair, unbalanced, and lacking in proof' and BtS for not mentioning the Hamas exploitation of civilian facilities.[33][34]

Women soldiers’ testimonies

In January 2010, Breaking the Silence released a booklet called "Women Soldiers’ Testimonies" as part of their testimonies collection project "Soldiers Speak Out".[8] The booklet contains 96 anonymous testimonies from more than 40 female officers, commanders and soldiers in various units who served as combatants and in supporting combat roles in the Israeli-occupied territories since the year 2000.[8] The booklet lists the rank, unit and location of the soldiers who provided the testimonies.[8] Ynetnews published excerpts that it described as "systematic humiliation of Palestinians, reckless and cruel violence, theft, killing of innocent people and cover-up."[35] The IDF's Spokesperson's Office, responding to the publication stated "These are anonymous testimonies, without any mention of a time or a place, and their reliability cannot be examined in any way. The IDF is a controlled state organization, which learns and draws lessons, and cooperates with any serious body with the shared goal of exhausting any inquiry when such an examination is inquired."[35]

Israeli government criticism

Israel has protested the international government funding of Breaking the Silence. It made clear that it objected to the funding by Britain, the Netherlands and Spain of NGOs "with a clear anti-government agenda",[36] and made attempts to dissuade the governments from continuing that funding. In relation to Spain's provision of tens of thousands of euros to fund patrols run by Breaking the Silence in Hebron, Israel said that this funding was disproportionate to that for human rights organizations in Arab countries.[7] The Israeli Ambassador to the Netherlands said that Israel was a democracy and that such funds should go to places without it. Breaking the Silence was a "legal and legitimate organization", he said, but its funding by the Dutch government was unreasonable "in light of the political sensitivities." Another senior Israeli official said: "A friendly government cannot fund opposition bodies. We are not a third world country."[37]

After its report on Gaza, Breaking the Silence came under severe criticism from the government of Israel.[38] [39] In response to criticism ten Israeli based human rights organizations have written a petition ("Do not silence 'Breaking the Silence") against the 'aggressive repression of the organization by the Foreign Ministry of Israel and other governmental agents' which reached its peak when the government attempted to interfere with the group’s funding. The petitioning organizations have publicly declared support for Breaking the Silence.

Journalist Jonathan Cook reported that the government campaign is reported to be the brainchild of the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel Avigdor Lieberman, but has the backing of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.[40] Ehud Barak, Israel's defence minister, said: "Criticism directed at the IDF by one organisation or another is inappropriate and is directed at the wrong place."[41] The head of the Israel Police's Hebron district, Commander Avshalom Peled said "Organizations such as Bnei Avraham and Breaking the Silence are wolves in sheeps' clothing" and "The left-wing organizations have become an even greater threat than the anarchists." MK Zahava Gal-On (Meretz) responded to the report saying "It would seem as though the police are working for the Kahanist and fascist groups in Hebron. I call on the internal security minister to conduct an investigation into the conduct of police forces in Hebron."[42]

Other criticism and controversy

In July 2009, journalist Amos Harel published in Ha’aretz: “Breaking the Silence...has a clear political agenda, and can no longer be classed as a ‘human rights organization.’ Any organization whose website includes the claim by members to expose the ‘corruption which permeates the military system’ is not a neutral observer. The organization has a clear agenda: to expose the consequences of IDF troops serving in the West Bank and Gaza. This seems more of interest to its members than seeking justice for specific injustices.”[43]

See also


  1. ^ "Breaking the Silence: About". Breaking the Silence. 
  2. ^ "Israeli Soldiers Talk Of Abuses". CBS News. 2005-07-11. 
  3. ^ Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs, Waging Peace: Breaking the Silence in DC, Jan/Feb 2007
  4. ^ a b c d e Sherwood, Harriet. "Former Israeli Soldiers Break the Silence on Military Violations | World News |" Latest News, Comment and Reviews from the Guardian | Guardian News, 16 May 2011. Web. 16 May 2011. [1].
  5. ^ a b c Yaakov Katz and Herb Keinon, The Jerusalem Post, Jul 17, 2009, Europeans funding 'Breaking the Silence'
  6. ^ a b c d "Breaking silence on Gaza abuses". BBC. 2009-07-15. 
  7. ^ a b Haaretz, 2 August 2009, Israel asks Spain to stop funding group that reported IDF 'crimes' in Gaza
  8. ^ a b c d e "Breaking the Silence : Women Soldiers' Testimonies". Shovrim Shtika. 2001-10-20. Retrieved 1 February 2010. 
  9. ^ Itamar Eichner, ‘Refuseniks’ sponsored by Jewish, Palestinian organizations tour US, speak against IDF policy in territories, Ynetnews, Jan 28, 2007
  10. ^ a b (English) Haaretz: IDF questions reservists who organized Hebron photo exhibit By Jonathan Lis, 22 June 2004
  11. ^ (English) Independent Israel's death squads: A soldiers story, A former member of an Israeli assassination squad has broken his silence for the first time. He spoke to Donald Macintyre 1 March 2009
  12. ^ a b The Guardian. "Israel needs the truth about Cast Lead", by Oded Na'aman. Retrieved: 23 August 2009.
  13. ^ (English)Breaking the Silence: The Next Phase
  14. ^ (English)New York Times: Former Israeli Soldiers Tell of Harassment of Palestinians By Greg Myre Published: June 24, 2004
  15. ^ Ilene R. Prusher, Christian Science Monitor, April 25, 2008, In a report this week, 39 soldiers give eyewitness accounts from their patrols in and around the West Bank city of Hebron
  16. ^ Efforts to Remove UPZ from the Israel on Campus Coalition Fail
  17. ^ (Hebrew)Photo gallery presented by Breaking the Silence
  18. ^ Video: Dotan and Yehuda - "Breaking the Silence: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out" (November 7, 2006), presentation by Dotan Greenvald and Yehuda Shaul, members of Breaking the Silence
  19. ^ (English) CNN News: Soldiers' photo exhibit strikes nerve June 26, 2004
  20. ^ The Guardian, 24 June 2004, Army fury at Hebron soldiers' brutality exhibition
  21. ^ Donald Macintyre, The Independent, 19 April 2008, Our reign of terror, by the Israeli army
  22. ^ Independent A rough guide to Hebron: The world's strangest guided tour highlights the abuse of Palestinians 26 January 2008
  23. ^ Ha'aretz 7 August 2008 British consulate: Settlers attack U.K. diplomats on Hebron tour By Reuters
  24. ^ Ynet news Police: Leftists in Hebron more dangerous than right-wing counterparts Efrat Weiss 16 June 2008
  25. ^
    • New York Times Soldiers’ Accounts of Gaza Killings Raise Furor in Israel By Ethan Bronner 19 March 2009
    • Associated Press Israel to probe reported abuse by soldiers in Gaza By Amy Teibel Statesman
    • Guardian Israeli troops describe shooting Gaza civilians 20 March 2009
    • Independent Israel must root out the canker of military brutality These soldiers' allegations demand an independent investigation Editorial Friday, 20 March 2009
    • Jpost Analysis: The crucial morality of the IDF's cause
    • The Australian Israel looks at accounts of Gaza killings by John Lyons 21 March 2009
  26. ^
    • Haaretz 'Shooting and crying' By Amos Harel
    • Independent Israel's dirty secrets in Gaza by Donald Macintyre 20 March 2009
    • Haaretz UN envoy: Gaza op seems to be war crime of greatest magnitude 20 March 2009
    • Haaretz IDF in Gaza: Killing civilians, vandalism, and lax rules of engagement By Amos Harel, 19 March 2009
    • Haaretz Analysis/ Can Israel dismiss its own troops' stories from Gaza? By Amos Harel,19 march 2009
  27. ^ Amos Harel (20 March, 2009). IDF orders probe into allegations over Gaza war. Haaretz (retrieved 22 March 2009)
  28. ^ [2]
  29. ^ Israeli Army Ends Inquiry into Soldier's Accounts of Gaza Abuses, Isabel Kershner, New York Times, March 31, 2009
  30. ^ a b Israeli soldiers admit to deliberate killing of Gaza civilians by James Hider, Times on Line, 2009-03-20
  31. ^ a b c A New Booklet by "Breaking the Silence"
  32. ^ "Israeli soldiers claim widespread abuses against civilians in Gaza." Retrieved: 23 August 2009.
  33. ^ "Kuwaiti Paper Op-Ed Supports IDF’s Gaza Conduct". IsraelNationalNews. 23 July 2009. Retrieved 30 July 2009. 
  34. ^ Original article in Arabic
  35. ^ a b Shilo, Amir (2010-01-29). "Female soldiers break their silence". Ynetnews.,7340,L-3841480,00.html. Retrieved 2 February 2010. 
  36. ^ The Jerusalem Post, 19 August 2009, Israel talks NGO funds with UK official
  37. ^ Haaretz, 26 July 2009, Group that exposed 'IDF crimes' in Gaza slams Israel bid to choke off its funds
  38. ^ Group that exposed 'IDF crimes' in Gaza slams Israel bid to choke off its funds Haaretz, 26 July 2009. Retrieved:
  39. ^ The Guardian. "Israeli soldiers killed unarmed civilians carrying white flags in Gaza, says report", by Peter Beaumont. Retrieved: 23 August 2009.
  40. ^ Israel targets human rights groups, Jonathan Cook. The National.
  41. ^ The Guardian. "Israeli soldiers admit 'shoot first' policy in Gaza offensive", by Ian Black, Middle East editor. Retrieved: 23 August 2009.
  42. ^ Ynetnews. "Police: Leftists in Hebron more dangerous than right-wing counterparts", by Efrat Weiss. Retrieved: 23 August 2009.
  43. ^ Gaza testimonies / Diverting the debate from the real issue Haaretz, July 16, 2009

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